Dr. Byron J. Williams is a dedicated father of two, pastor and veteran. He was born in Fort Wayne, Indiana and is the eldest of three children. Dr. Williams had a Bible-based upbringing that would later serve as the foundation for his own transition into ministry. Upon graduating from high school in 1984, he attended Franklin College in Franklin, Indiana before joining the United States Air Force in 1987.
In 1998, Dr. Williams acknowledged his calling in the Word ministry and became an ordained preacher of the Gospel in August 2004.
Since joining the Air Force, Pastor Williams has completed degrees in Personnel Management, with the Community College of the Air Force, Bachelor of Arts in Pastoral Studies from Southwestern College, a Masters in Organizational Leadership from Nyack College and a Doctoral degree in Business Administration with Capella University. After 22 years of service to the Air Force, Pastor Williams retired in March 2009.
After completing Clinical Pastoral Education training in 2009, Pastor Williams began serving as a chaplain with National Rehabilitation Hospital Center in Washington, D.C. Pastor Williams served as a family advocate at Washington Hospital Center, where he provided grief and trauma counseling to patients, their families and hospital staff and conducted bi-monthly worship services and spiritual care counseling. Today, Pastor Williams is employed as the Manager of DoD Programs with Oasis Systems of Lexington, Massachusetts.
On May 20, 2012, Dr. Williams opened the doors as Pastor and CEO of New Beginning Ministries in Suitland, MD, where he helps to direct and cultivate the spiritual life of students, parents and the community through the Word of God. He is determined to be obedient to the call of God and to win souls for the Kingdom. His message to the world is that Jesus lives and Jesus cares about you, no matter your situation or problem. He lives by the motto: “Life isn’t always fair but God is always faithful.”
Dr. Williams family includes his wonderful children; daughter Kayla and son Victor, Son-in Law Timothy and his granddaughter, Sophia Joy.